About me

I love being creative. I love the energy and different processes of being creative. Creativity is an essential part of my life, but it wasn’t always the case. For many years, I believed that I had no time to be creative. I believed creativity was for people who were talented artists or who could have the luxury of a creative hobby. I thought that creativity was for those who weren’t as busy as I was! I ignored my creative potential and lived as if having times of creative expression were not important. For many years I was extremely driven; I was restless and pushed myself hard to achieve more at home, at work and at play. Even when I went on holiday, I didn’t know how to truly relax and rest.

This unbalanced and unhealthy lifestyle could not be sustained. In 2009 I was diagnosed with a severe auto-immune disease and my world crashed around me. It was a dark and difficult time, but as I started to rebuild, I saw clearly how my illness and breakdown were giving me a valuable gift: a second chance in life. I was being offered the chance to make different decisions, to birth a new me and to grow a new lifestyle.

During my breakdown and the years of being very ill, I discovered the power of creativity to help me process stress, struggle and pain. I learnt that being creative was an important part of my journey towards healing and recovery. I allowed myself time and space to experiment creatively and explored a range of creative activities. I began to find my unique expression style and I began to heal.

Unlocking and developing my creativity has been so positive and significant for me that I decided to invite others to do the same. Professionally, I have worked for many years as a teacher and a counsellor. I now combine my skills and experience in coaching people to connect with and explore their creative potential. I offer ongoing support to help people overcome their resistances and blocks to being creative.

I am a creativity coach.